Phone: 086 155 9641
This phone is attended from 10am to 2pm on delivery days (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). At other times, please leave a message with your contact details and your call will be returned as soon as possible.
We are always looking for new volunteers. If you're willing to spare some time to deliver meals and perform an important service within the community, please get in touch by phoning 086 155 9641.
Meals on Wheels Ashbourne delivers dinners on the Monday, Wednesday and Friday of every week. As well as providing nourishing meals to our senior citizens, Ashbourne Meals on Wheels provides a point of social contact and a safety check. We will act to pass on issues to relevant agencies if necessary. We are a source of companionship and respect to our senior citizens, helping them live more independent lives.
Ashbourne Meals on Wheels is entirely voluntary and non-profit, serving the communities of the Ashbourne/Donaghmore Parish.
Website copyright © 2016 Ashbourne Meals On Wheels